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Root canal treatments (endodontic treatments) are carried out according to the latest techniques and standards. This means that the root canal length can be precisely determined using a mini-computer (electrometry) without having to X-ray the tooth. Your dentist in Düsseldorf (Kaiserswerth) can then perform the root canal filling very precisely.

We use a so-called thermoplastic procedure with which the main canals, but also the small side canals of a root, can be filled with the utmost precision. We prepare the root canals "automatically" and therefore much faster than by hand. In difficult cases, we have an operating microscope and can also treat canals that are barely visible to the naked eye.

Endodontic surgery

There is always a risk during root canal treatment that it will not bring the desired result and that chronic inflammatory processes will remain in the bone. With the help of ultrasound and visual inspection under a surgical microscope, root tips can be removed in a minimally invasive manner. We stain your infected root tip with methylene blue under high magnification in order to make a precise diagnosis and perform microsurgery. In most cases, this will preserve your tooth.

Revision - replacing old root fillings

Old root fillings may be leaking, too short and infected. Tissue residues and micro-organisms then cause chronic inflammation at the root tip. In these difficult cases, we use an operating microscope and can treat canals under visual control. This means that surgical intervention can be avoided in most cases.

Broken off instrument in the root canal

During root canal treatment, there is always a risk of an instrument breaking off and remaining in the canal. The worst-case scenario is that it is not sterile and maintains chronic inflammatory processes in the bone by spreading germs. With the help of ultrasound and visual inspection under a surgical microscope, these fragments can be removed in a targeted manner. This means that surgical intervention can be avoided in most cases.

Perforation coverage - closing and regenerating holes in the tooth

The treatment of caries and root canals can cause holes in the roots and dentin, which in most cases leads to chronic nerve and/or bone inflammation. These holes (perforations) can be closed with the help of biological materials and visual inspection under an operating microscope. In most cases, this procedure leads to a cure.

Do you have further questions about root canal treatment in Düsseldorf (Kaiserswerth)? Make an appointment at our practice. You can reach us at +49 211.479 0079. You can also make an appointment online.